Tuesday, February 2, 2010

What Is Gender Dysphoriac What Is The Average Percentage Of Gay, Les, Bi & Trans Gender In Society?

What is the average percentage of gay, les, bi & trans gender in society? - what is gender dysphoriac

I mean, how many people are gay from 1 to 10 or 1 in 20 or 1 in 30 people, if you know what I mean. I live in a city like 2 and a half thousand people. How many gay people would probably leave in this city, on average. I hope you get what I mean. How will is gay, happen in any family, as a second or fifth year. I hope you can see what I say. Thank you xxx:).


Scaboi said...


Danny said...

I read somewhere that 10% of the world population is gay or bi. The 250, there would be gay:)

Razz said...

4 to 6%, according to modern research. The widely used figure 10% came from a misinterpretation of the research, Kinsey, the widely discredited.

Damien said...

Realistically, I would say that as many as 1 of 8

Anonymous said...

Honesty is impossible to know at this point in time. There are studies and estimates, but only so many people have gone LGBT is difficult to know, exactly.

I think the more realistic estimate, or a study that I found was a study which estimates that in all classes of high school, there are at least 1 student who is homosexual. Estimate maybe 1 in 20, but here it is very difficult, really.

I was sitting in a classroom, when my science teacher told us about the study, and guess what? I was part of this kind, perhaps there is more.

รςгєค๓ is the Birthday Girl =] said...

I always thought it was 1 in 10, but I'm not sure

Lesbian Sunbeam said...

It is generally accepted 10% who are homosexual
I suspect that it is a very high percentage of people in the BI world, but suppress their BI responsibility for the maintenance of social and cultural "norms"

Anonymous said...

Honesty is impossible to know at this point in time. There are studies and estimates, but only so many people have gone LGBT is difficult to know, exactly.

I think the more realistic estimate, or a study that I found was a study which estimates that in all classes of high school, there are at least 1 student who is homosexual. Estimate maybe 1 in 20, but here it is very difficult, really.

I was sitting in a classroom, when my science teacher told us about the study, and guess what? I was part of this kind, perhaps there is more.

Anonymous said...

I read somewhere that 10% of the world population is gay or bi. The 250, there would be gay:)

Anonymous said...

3% of people are closet gay

thats about 91217917 people in America, I think?

Anonymous said...

Although it is difficult to assess because many people are not locked into account.
It is generally since the Kinsey Report in the sixties that gay are recognized around 8% to 10%
The world's population. These days more and more studies, which linked to a genetic origin, with some of the hormonal and emotional factors that contribute to homosexuality. However, it is determined how to display the gene, if it is coincidental or has a recurring motif.

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